
Awakening, Awakening, Poems of Light on the Path of Love

Awakening, Awakening, is an interspiritual collection of poetry that contains 29 of Safire Rose’s original poems including her popular poem, She Let Go.

The collection is inspired by Safire’s own spiritual experience but seeks to portray the universal story of the path of awakening in which the spiritual aspirant must travel within, discover their own undivided wholeness, embody that awareness by engaging with life, and return to the world to share their journey.

Awakening, Awakening reminds us that the soul’s evolution is continuous; as you awaken, you awaken into more love and more light. Whether you are a beginning or a seasoned spiritual practitioner, a reading of this collection is like walking the labyrinth. The lyrical movement of each poem takes you deeper into your heart, connects you to the wisdom of your higher self, and energetically supports you on the inward, onward, and upward journey of the soul.

“Safire Rose’s poetry touches the heart and transforms the mind, giving us tools to expand our soul on the journey of awakening.” - Marilyn Alauria, Intuitive Life Strategist

“Safire Rose eloquently speaks in a “clear language without edges.” She brings astute awareness to the “simple startling beauty” of life. Her poignant poems magically depict the “Rose bud opening, scent piercing and petal falling,” leaving us evermore encouraged and inspired. Her “Awakening” awakens ours! It helps us to hear the voice, feel the touch, and see the Light.” - Rev. Greta Sesheta, Poet and Author; Founder, 7- Pointed Star Ministries

“In Awakening, Awakening, Safire Rose shares intimate glimpses into her journey of awakening. The poems are meditations of the inward journey to one’s True Self and finding joy in oneness with all Life. The poems reflect the thoughts and experiences that go on inside of us that we struggle to find words to share. Safire has found the words.” - Eisha Mason, Poet and Author

“Safire’s poetry is musical. I can hear her essence in every word. Awakening, Awakening is poetry that will pull the reader out of daily frenzy into the deeper existential narratives of being connected with ourselves and the loved ones around us.” - David Harder, Author; Founder, Inspired Work, Inc. & Workskunk

The Power and Impact of Courageous Changemakers

(Includes poem and story by Safire Rose, in partnership with Donna Didomenico & Sue Shalley, HybridGlobal Publishing, 2024).

From the cover:
Courage is something we all want-courage to create change, to speak up and share our truth, to see the good, to be the good. Unfortunately, our fears get in the way. Have you stopped yourself because of past failures, thoughts of not being good enough, or feelings of shame?

This book overflows with moving stories from everyday people who navigated fear and disappointment and turned their lives around. You’ll be uplifted and inspired as they share practical tools and knowledge that will motivate you to overcome your own fear and be the courageous person you were born to be