A poem is a living thing. We can see and hear it all around us. The sound of the wind rustling the leaves of a forest tree, the sight of ducklings cheerfully parading behind mama duck across a shimmery lake, or the visceral experience of joy welling up in the belly, and suddenly bursting out of us as laughter. Life implores us to sing its praises creatively.

There is also a poem living within you, waiting to be heard, seen, felt, or revealed. Why not take a moment to go inside your heart, and listen to the bubbling brook of poetry within you?

Savor its wisdom and beauty, laugh or cry with its message, or simply be with it. Then consider birthing it into form with words, images, song, or dance. You can even share your poem with a loved one, a friend, a parent, or a child. Enjoy the experience of creating and expressing a poem!